Category: The Calling

  • Just use your words

    Just use your words

    Over the last few months, I have had several different people tell me I needed to “use my words.” At first it sounds like what you would tell an upset toddler, but in context that comment spoke to my core. Words impact me greatly. I know whole-heartedly that Words of Encouragement is my primary love…

  • One Month In

    One Month In

    One month in… it’s hard to believe we’ve already been living in West Virginia for a full month! June FLEW by, and it was so good! I have been awful at updating you all, so this is going to be an overview of our experience so far! Things to celebrate: We moved to WV!!! In the…

  • Fear of failure

    Fear of failure

    All my life I have struggled with the fear of failure. Growing up that manifested as a terrible work ethic as I subconsciously lived on the idea that I couldn’t fail if I never actually tried. Many things have come easy to me, so I’ve been able to skate by. I was OK with being…

  • Part 3: The Calling

    Part 3: The Calling

    Morgan and I at Wild RidgeI’m standing at a major crossroads, where the Lord is calling my family and I to jump headfirst into the unknown, leaving everything behind. Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to write about it; to document this year of great change. To understand where I’m going, you must know…

  • Part 2: AD – as in, after I died to myself

    My wedding dayI’m standing at a major crossroads, where the Lord is calling my family and I to jump headfirst into the unknown, leaving everything behind. Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to write about it; to document this year of great change. To understand where I’m going, you must know where I’ve been.…

  • Part 1: BC – as in, my personal Before Christ

    My family and II’m standing at a major crossroads, where the Lord is calling my family and I to jump headfirst into the unknown, leaving everything behind. Lately I’ve been feeling like I need to write about it; to document this year of great change. To understand where I’m going, you must know where I’ve…