Category: Just Living

  • The Woman at the Well Part 1: He takes me as I am

    Focal Passage: John 4:1-30 I recently hit a huge milestone in my life and in my walk with the Lord. I’ve officially spent more of my earthly days walking with Him than I did without.  Countless times I have sat down to write this and instead been wrecked in the most beautiful way. I’ve wept, completely…

  • Basking in the Son’s Light

    Basking in the Son’s Light

    Tis the season for ever changing weather. One day it’s 70 and sunny, and the next it’s snowing. If I’m honest, I hate the inconsistency more than I hate the cold. It has me longing for those long summer days, laying on a blanket in the yard just basking in the sunlight. When you close…

  • Just use your words

    Just use your words

    Over the last few months, I have had several different people tell me I needed to “use my words.” At first it sounds like what you would tell an upset toddler, but in context that comment spoke to my core. Words impact me greatly. I know whole-heartedly that Words of Encouragement is my primary love…

  • Choosing sides

    Choosing sides

    We’ve known for months now that we are moving to Nicholas County West Virginia. Within the county there are two high schools, and therefore two separate communities that are options to go all in on and love. I have been praying for months that we would not have to choose, that the Lord would simply…

  • Fear of failure

    Fear of failure

    All my life I have struggled with the fear of failure. Growing up that manifested as a terrible work ethic as I subconsciously lived on the idea that I couldn’t fail if I never actually tried. Many things have come easy to me, so I’ve been able to skate by. I was OK with being…